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The following situation has likely happened to you, especially in the last few years… Out of the blue, your best employee hands in their two-week notice. But there’s no time…

Old habits might die hard, but if you want to adhere to cybersecurity best practices, they have to die—now. Your employees might be putting your firm at risk and not…

Take a look around your firm. How many staff members do you suppose are thinking right now, “Am I OK?” (Hint: You may be surprised.) And under the guise of,…

Here’s a number for you: 300,000. According to the Wall Street Journal, that’s the number of US accountants and auditors who have left their jobs in the last two years….

Automation is not a practice to decrease staff. It’s a way to elevate and empower employees to manage higher-value work.

There will be no Party Planning Committee because there will be no parties. Kevin won’t spill his famous chili because he won’t be allowed to bring it to begin with….

In early March, 2020… In March, 2020, a Right Networks blog post noted the coming impact of COVID-19 coronavirus, citing disruptions in daily life that seemed shocking at the time:  “The entire nation of Italy…

In the past, employees were hired, worked, and retired from the same company. They punched the clock at the same location each day, like clockwork. Similar to many aspects of…

It is important to understand that different people are motivated by different things and it’s likely you have a mix of personalities on your accounting team. Each type of employee…