
Lee Pender

Lee Pender is a veteran writer who has been with Rightworks since March 2020. Lee spent almost 15 years as a journalist for information technology trade magazines, including CIO, Redmond Channel Partner and what is now eWeek. His experience as a corporate content writer includes stints with a vendor of tax-compliance applications, a website for entrepreneurs and a tech-focused marketing agency.

Lee lives north of Boston with his wife, his two children and his mother. In his personal time, he enjoys swimming and coaching youth soccer. He is a Boston sports fan and a faithful follower of West Ham United, an English soccer club. Lee previously lived in Paris and Rotterdam and has traveled throughout Europe. He still speaks French. Lee earned a degree in journalism from TCU many years ago and is a proud Horned Frog.

Posts by Lee Pender

Why run QuickBooks in the cloud? There are lots of reasons. Compare what you’re doing now to what you could be doing.

As victims of the IRS Littlejohn data breach receive notification, firms need to ensure their cybersecurity policies will protect client data.

Some accountants fear AI could take their jobs, but AI in accounting can actually help them do their jobs better. Find out how.️

Based on an expert podcast on AI adoption, this blog post looks at how you can start using artificial intelligence to improve your firm today.

All firms that have PTINs must have written information security plans (WISPs) that meet legal requirements. Find out how to create one for your firm.

Hosting applications in the cloud offers a lot of benefits, but some firms might overlook this one: How moving to the cloud promotes growth.

Small businesses are major targets for cyberattacks. Learn how to protect your data by following these cybersecurity tips for businesses.

Are you familiar with the FTC Safeguards Rule? You should be because your firm is required to comply with it. See how you stack up against an FTC Safeguards rule checklist.

Accountants have been unsure of the impact AI will have on the profession. Now they can know. Spark delivers AI purpose-built for accounting.

Improving client collaboration is essential for accounting firms. Find out how firms can improve their operations by getting closer to clients.

The laptops you and your employees use every day can be portals for cyberattacks unless you keep them safe. Learn why device security is so important.

Chances are, your clients aren’t prepared for a cyberattack on their small businesses. You can help them—and your firm—at the same time.