
Item clean up

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Once you have been using Transaction Pro for a while, you may find that you have accumulated a number of data maps that are hard to locate. Whether you are…

Transaction Pro Importer (TPI) is a powerful and versatile tool for importing data into QuickBooks®. TPI is an essential tool for getting data into QuickBooks since not many third-party systems…

Year-end is coming and a lot of businesses will be counting inventory to make any needed year-end corrections. The basics of the import for year-end counts are to get an…

This month we spoke with our Support Lead, Bonnie, asking her to share answers to the top importing questions. The most common question topics include formatting lists, when to use…

Many people using QuickBooks (Desktop or Online) are long-time users, with years of data piling up in their company file. Item Lists can become unmanageable when there is a discontinued…