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*This blog is part of the September Thought Leader newsletter. For decades, it was head lice. The warning would go out every September: “It’s back to school time, and some…

The IRS doesn’t just give away money. But a lot of scammers would like their potential victims to think that it does. This summer, the number of tax-related scams has…

Ah, sweet summertime. The season for stress-free; the time for relaxation. But…what’s this? Cyberattacks are putting cities on alert? Staffing crises are causing accounting firms to retool their…tools? The FTC…

If cybersecurity isn’t embedded in your firm’s culture, you’re putting your firm at risk. Security can’t be merely a part of your IT operation if you have one. It has…

Two cyberattacks on government institutions in the spring of 2023 should serve as warnings to accounting firms. The attacks showed both cybercriminals’ hunger for critical information and the damage a…

*This blog is part of the June 2023 Thought Leader newsletter It’s the shrug heard ‘round the business world. You probably can’t go a day without reading something about cybersecurity—a…

As an accounting professional, you’re probably aware that next week marks the deadline to put updated provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Safeguards Rule into effect. It’s also likely that…

Has your business recently assessed your entire security strategy, including any security gaps you may have across your workflows? Do you have a layered security strategy in place?   If not,…

Threats are increasing and you’re the first line of defense. The best way to ensure you can handle a threat? Start contributing to a security-first culture with security awareness training.   …

Old habits might die hard, but if you want to adhere to cybersecurity best practices, they have to die—now. Your employees might be putting your firm at risk and not…

What are the best application security tools? It’s a combination of tools, really.  To batten down the digital hatches—and ensure your applications are secure—you need to be using:  Multifactor authentication …

Cybersecurity is never static. Threats change rapidly, and so do best practices for online security. Firms that aren’t dynamic in the way they handle security leave themselves open to attacks….