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Tax season can be the most endless, time-consuming and stressful time of year for tax professionals nationwide. Hours of the day become booked with heavier workloads, leading to less sleep…

When it comes to tax codes, we know it can be hard to keep up with all the changes and how it might impact you and your firm’s clients. In this blog post, we review the changes to Section 174 expenses of the U.S. Tax Code.

Which list are you on? Naughty or nice? ‘Tis the season when accountants are checking their client lists…and they’re checking them twice. If you’d like to stay off your accountant’s…

Tax season killing your firm? Smart Client Management is the fix Let’s face it. For many accounting firms, tax season just plain sucks.  Yes, we said it. Tax season is…

Are the downloads in your office taking a little longer lately? Accounting professionals will deal with an influx in employee head count as they onboard more tax season help, just…

Tax season is officially here.  With the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) bill now law, accounting professionals around the states are adjusting their practices. The bill is the…