
Gene Marks, CPA

Gene Marks is a former columnist for The New York Times and The Washington Post. He now writes weekly on the economy, business and technology for The Guardian, The Hill, The Washington Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Forbes and Gene, a certified public accountant, is the author of five books on business management and provides commentary regularly on Fox News, Fox Business, ABC Radio's John Batchelor Show and for the Wharton School's Business Channel on Sirius XM. Gene is also the host of two popular business podcasts for The Hartford and Paychex.

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Posts by Gene Marks, CPA

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past 20 years is that the smartest business owners, leaders and executives are always…ALWAYS…looking ahead. They’re evaluating the things going on in…

It’s not news that we’re in an inflationary period. We don’t need to go into the reasons why. The fact is that both producer and consumer price increases are at…

Gene Marks, CPA and Small Business Advisor for Right Networks, shares three ways you prevent ransomware attacks on small businesses. When you read about all the online security issues that…

Do you know how to automate your business in the new year? AI. Algorithms. Virtual reality. Machine learning. Robotics. Autonomous vehicles. As small business owners, we hear these terms but…

How Small-Business Owners can Benefit from Strong Client Relationships with Accountants One of the biggest complaints small-business owners have about their accounting firms is that accountants don’t develop client relationships…

After a flood wrecked my business’s server (and my rugs)—I was able to profit. How? By migrating my QuickBooks Desktop, accounting applications and all the critical data stored within those programs to the cloud. Get the full story here.

By now if you’re running a business – big or small – you’re well aware of ransomware. You’ve heard of the airports, transportation systems, utilities and hotels that have been attacked. Here’s how to avoid becoming another headline-making ransomware victim.

Like most small business owners, Susan (not her real name) juggled a lot … and sometimes things would get missed. We can all relate to that. But in this case, the “missed thing” almost cost Susan everything. Read her cautionary tale.

In our upcoming webinar on post-pandemic strategies, Gene Marks (CPA, nationally recognized journalist and small business owner) will teach professionals about how they can recover from 2020—and create a business that is stronger than ever.

I’ve been running The Marks Group for more than twenty-five years and have read a lot of great business books along the way. With these great reads, I’ve managed to balance my personal and professional life…and make some bucks along the way. Keep reading to learn which ten I consider to be the most impactful, particularly as a small business owner.

There’s a pandemic going on. We’re in the midst of a serious economic downturn. Many businesses are suffering. Some are failing. And now you want to start a business?   Good…

If there’s anything good that’s come out of the coronavirus pandemic, is the realization by millions of small businesses that working from home works. Assuming the business equipped with the…