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QuickBooks Desktop combines a variety of accounting processes into one user-friendly and easy to use product. There are so many specific features for a tailor-made experience. Some of these QuickBooks…

Gene Marks, CPA, author, and small business expert, answered small business questions live on our Twitter account. He offered valuable insight to small businesses and accounting professionals, answering questions and…

Collecting money. Dealing with regulations. Responding to complaints. Handling employee demands.  Did I mention collecting money? These are just a few of the challenges we all face as business owners. …

Office workers are so 2017. Are the downloads in your office taking a little longer lately? Accounting professionals will deal with an influx in employee head count as they onboard…

Tax season is officially here.  With the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) bill now law, accounting professionals around the states are adjusting their practices. The bill is the…

We recently came out with Version 7 of our Transaction Pro Importer and Exporter. If you are using earlier versions of the Transaction Pro software you should review this article…

At Right Networks, we love hearing from our customers. We love seeing how more than 100,000 users choose to be cloud-connected with us in order to save time, safeguard their…

As a Support Supervisor, it is my role to help our valued customers resolve any issues encountered in the hosted environment. Some problems, a failed banking import or a pending…

With the busy season rapidly approaching, now is a great time for firms to review their tax production processes and tune them up to be optimally prepared for the opportunities…