
How to lower your cyber insurance premium through a culture of security

Businesses frequently purchase cyber insurance to help them cover any financial fallout should a cyber event, such as a breach, take place.

With cyberattacks up 600% following COVID-19, the overall case for cyber insurance isn’t a hard one to make, but firms and small businesses are grappling with whether they’re willing to pay increasingly higher premiums for such insurance given the competing financial priorities they face.

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In this webinar:

Businesses frequently purchase cyber insurance to help them cover any financial fallout should a cyber event, such as a breach, take place.

With cyberattacks up 600% following COVID-19, the overall case for cyber insurance isn’t a hard one to make, but firms and small businesses are grappling with whether they’re willing to pay increasingly higher premiums for such insurance given the competing financial priorities they face.

Join Kevin Roosa, Rightworks Senior Director of Firm Attach, and Molly Gallaher Boddy, Rightworks Senior Product Marketing Manager for security products, to learn how to potentially lower your cyber insurance premiums while enhancing your business’s overall security posture. In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Why you need to have a plan in place ahead of a cyberattack.
  • How you can make employees your business’s first line of defense for your client data.
  • What other solutions you may want to have in place to protect your business.



Senior Director of Firm Attach, Rightworks


Senior Product Marketing Manager, Rightworks