
Rightworks Academy: Your game plan for The Modern Firm®

Learn the Rightworks Academy game plan to create a modern accounting firm. Step through every winning play toward long-term success.

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Reach The Modern Firm finish line with Rightworks Academy

Mastering the Modern Firm

Score! You’ve secured your spot at Rightworks Academy. And with this game plan in your possession, you have the ultimate guide to becoming a modern firm. While it doesn’t have your typical X’s and O’s, our game plan lays out solid steps, including:

  • Assessments to get you started.
  • Vendor discount access for early victories.
  • Resources to create—and execute—your game-winning strategies.

Why Do You Need A Game Plan?

We crafted this strategic guide for Academy members to keep you focused on achieving the goals you set when you joined our team. It’s a visual play-by-play of the path you’ll take with us, highlighting key business milestones and actionable steps to keep progressing.

Your Success is Our Success

Like creating a winning dynasty, improving your firm is a long game. The game plan for The Modern Firm® will set you up for big wins with Academy.