Empower your firm to excel in the new era of accounting
Not to date myself, but as someone who’s been around the accounting profession for more than three decades, I can honestly say I’ve never been as bowled over by the quantity and speed of changes to the profession as I am these days. Literally, everything is changing—and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.
That’s why this month, I want to ask you an important question…

The restorative power of control
Humans have an inherent need for control and certainty. We thrive when life goes according to plan and rely on tools to stay on track.
On the other hand, uncertainty brings us balance—for instance, who else avoids the spoilers before seeing the latest “Ted Lasso” episode? When plans go awry or situations feel chaotic and out of control, there’s often little we can do to rectify it in the moment.
We’re here to remind you that not having a solution is OK…

Out with the old, in with the new
Out with old, in with the new? Not so fast.
Author Scott Adams said, “Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.”
This got me thinking. Why does the accounting industry still want to fix what “ain’t broke?” The answer: we all want the perfect software that does absolutely everything…

The password is…too weak to work on its own
‘Aristophanes’ didn’t work for Felix Unger when The Odd Couple crossed paths with TV game show mainstay “Password” in 1972 (and here’s a hint: it’s still too weak for you to use as a login password).
Weak passwords are a serious problem. So are the repeated passwords many of us tend to use from account to account and application to application…

Time management during tax season
You’re almost there, modern accounting firms!
Tax Day is within reach—you just have to buckle down for the final stretch. You may be running on caffeine and protein bars at this stage in the game, so let me help you make the most of the time left in the last days before the deadline…

I Love It Here: How Great Leaders Create Organizations Their People Never Want to Leave
by Clint Pulver
Diversity in the Work Place: How to be an Inclusive Leader, Manage Diversity in the Work Place, Tackle Unconscious Bias, and Foster Inclusive Conversations
by Erika Nielsen Brown
The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything
by Stephen M.R. Covey
Remote Not Distant: Design a Company Culture That Will Help You Thrive in a Hybrid Workplace
by Gustavo Razzetti

Events for Rightworks Academy members
Check out these events exclusively for Rightworks Academy members.
Upcoming webinars
- April 25: Marketing Solutions Academy webinar: Set your firm up for success with a solid marketing plan for Q2 and beyond!
- April 26: Staff Training: Onboarding new clients
- April 27: Customer Success update webinar
- May 9: Marketing Solutions webinar: How the tax-season afterglow can grow Google reviews
- May 10: Staff Training: Deconstructing tax season
- May 11: Spring technology update webinar
See the entire webinar schedule and register at Resources > Events > Webinars in your Rightworks.com account.
Events for members and non-members
Not a Rightworks Academy member yet? We have you covered with live and on-demand events where you can learn more about Rightworks and the latest hot topics in the profession.
Visit rightworks.com/resources/live-on-demand-webinars for a continually updated schedule of events.
Building the Million Dollar Firm: a Rightworks Academy membership demo
Join Director of Membership Andy Root as he shows you how Rightworks Academy member accounting firms have made the intentional choice to move away from the traditional firm model of constant chaos and are traveling on a successful path toward becoming The Million Dollar Firm.
Register at rootworks.com/resources/rootworks-live-membership-demo-on-demand-webinar/
Empower conference
May 1-3: Denver, Colorado—This much-anticipated conference brings together accounting professionals, their staff and a lineup of engaging and informative speakers. Empower offers many opportunities for attendees to dig deep into the “how” and the “what” behind building a modern firm. Open to both Rightworks Academy members and non-members!
Learn more and register at rootworks.com/rootworks-empower-2023/
What’s new on the Rightworks blog?
The Rightworks blog is here to help you decompress from this tax season and improve the next one. Which 10 key metrics should you be tracking? How do you create a stellar firm culture? Check out what’s new—and don’t forget to bookmark the blog so you can stay updated on everything you need to know.
Read the latest posts at rightworks.com/blog.
Member anniversaries
It’s time to recognize this month’s Rightworks Academy member anniversaries! Help us wish the following firms a Happy Anniversary:
1 year
Yelena Pierson CPA
Foresight Advisory & Consulting PLLC
5 years
Landau, Swartz & McCarty LLP
Congratulations on your success, and we look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries with you and your teams!