
How to Turn Lean Six Sigma Into Cash [Webinar]

In part 4 of our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) webinar series, The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Firm Administration and Management, learn how to improve administrative processes and how to turn these process improvements into client advisory services.

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Last Updated October 31, 2024


Watch Now → The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Firm Administration and Management


Lean Firm Administration and Management

Optimizing internal processes usually falls to the bottom of a firm’s priority list, even though it should be their #1 focus. Why? Because with strong, optimized internal processes, every task becomes easier to manage and track.

Plus—the same process improvements that are applied today can be used to create additional advisory service offers for your firm in the future!

Join Roman Kepczyk and learn exactly how to optimize your firm’s administrative and management tasks using his lean six sigma approach. Then, learn how to turn your firm improvements into advisory service offers for your clients.

Keep reading to find out what else you can expect to learn—and what Roman is most looking forward to discussing—during part 4 of our upcoming webinar series: The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Firm Administration and Management

Why Is Now the Right Time for Firms to Focus on Improving Administration Processes?

RK: Most firms focus their productivity improvement efforts on tax or assurance practices, leaving administration for “when they have time,” which never comes.

Implementing Lean Six Sigma (LSS) within administration provides one of the best test beds for learning first-hand how to apply LSS. Consequently, they be used to promote the firm’s advisory services and business information tech stack to build the firm’s client accounting and advisory services (CAAS).

Who Should Attend Lean Firm Administration and Management?

RK: Managing Partners, CFOs, Controllers and Firm Managers as well as anyone interested in my key administrative recommendations (garnered from my Firm Process Optimization (FPO) consulting, which I’ve implemented in over 400 firms.)

What Makes Lean Firm Administration and Management Different From Other Firm Improvement Webinars?

RK: Rather than promoting a specific product, I’ll be providing comprehensive holistic recommendations and solutions that are specific to the type of practice and clients firms have.

Additionally, I’ll share and discuss the CPA Firm Management Association’s 2021 Digitally Driven Firm survey. This annual survey highlights the most popular, useful applications that firms are using to transform their internal processes (including practice management, workflow, document management, portals and eSignature tools.)

What Else Can Attendees Expect to Learn?

RK: Attendees can expect to learn:

  1. The importance of building production processes around a comprehensive digital workflow
  2. The new accounting production applications to use in 2021 (and beyond)
  3. How firms can save money while streamlining their own production processes
  4. How to re-build business information systems with tools that will also help support advisory service offers


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Watch Now → The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Firm Administration and Management


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