
Build a disaster recovery plan in one step

What if your computer or server won’t turn back on, and critical client or customer data was erased? That all-too-common “what if?” scenario can shut down a business for good…unless there is a disaster recovery plan in place. Learn how to build yours in one step.

minute read

Last Updated June 6, 2024


Data protection, disaster recovery and you

If the power went out in your home or office right now—without warning—what would you do?

A: Kick back and relax because your data is stored in multiple, offsite locations. You know that as soon as the power comes back on, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off.

B: Mutter an expletive, because you’re not sure what else there is to do.

Maybe the power comes back on after a few hours—but what if it doesn’t?

What if one of your devices was hacked and your data was being held for ransom?

What if your computer or server suffered water damage and won’t turn back on, and critical client or customer data was erased?

Protecting your data from these “what if” scenarios requires planning, preparation and strategy. And it goes without saying that it should be your business’s top priority. Because without data, a business ceases to exist.

According to TechTarget, “many businesses fail after experiencing a significant data loss,” but having a disaster recovery plan in place protects an organization from these significant negative effects.

In this article, we’ll share The Marks Group’s story, including:

  • How business was impacted when a disaster eventually happened
  • What The Marks Group uses to protect data from a disaster today
  • The bonus benefits of its current disaster recovery plan


From the basement…to the cloud

Almost a decade ago, Philadelphia was hit with hurricane-like winds and torrential downpours.

Gene Marks, CPA and president of The Marks Group, walked down the basement steps of his home and looked upon one of the worst sights a small business owner could behold: His server which was hosting nearly all of the tools, software and data his team required to get their jobs done—was partially submerged in rainwater…and fully out of commission.

“I ditched the server–and moved my QuickBooks Desktop and other accounting-based applications to Rightworks, so they could manage it all for me in the cloud.

Within a year, my business was significantly changed by this complete cloud solution.”


A disaster recovery plan was born

After Gene started hosting his applications, software, tools and data with Rightworks, a cloud disaster recovery plan was born.

Real-time data replication and nightly data backups—retained for 90 days—now saves his data in case of accidental loss or deletion.

Multiple Tier 4 data centers across the US create an end-to-end, fully redundant IT infrastructure for The Marks Group.

So no matter what happens, Gene’s business—and any other business or accounting firm hosting its data with the Rightworks Cloud—keeps going.


Cloud disaster recovery plans save more than data

Bonus benefit 1: Database security improved

Admittedly, Gene was “careless” about keeping his security software and operating systems up to date.

But with the sheer amount of applications, software and systems constantly needing their code vulnerabilities patched, underprioritizing software updates is typical—and Gene certainly isn’t alone in his inaction.

After hosting QuickBooks Desktop in the cloud, however, Gene’s software is automatically patched for him by the team at Rightworks.

Bugs are removed. Vulnerable apps are secured. And the time it used to take to secure everything now goes to making more money.

Bonus benefit 2: His company started performing faster

Tasks historically completed in the office could now be done from anywhere—even while with a client onsite. (And quicker answers = happier clients.)

Documents and reports that used to sit on his desktop could be pulled up and shared on his phone, iPad, tablet—or any other internet-connected device.

And of course: Billable hours went up (along with his profits).


If you can’t make your own disaster recovery plan, store-bought is fine

Not only was Gene given a disaster recovery solution after moving to the cloud—he realized quickly the same technology protecting his data could give his team the freedom and flexibility to work when, where and how they want.

Productivity went up, profits soared, and Gene’s business continues to grow—and it all started with a flood.

Learn more about the security, productivity and business continuity benefits of cloud hosting.

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