
Don’t be the weakest link: 6 cybersecurity strategies for accounting firm staff

Learn essential cybersecurity strategies and best practices to help protect your accounting firm. From password management to email security, become a stronger link in your firm’s defense.

minute read

Last Updated December 21, 2024

Category Cybersecurity

A smiling woman in a black blazer sits in front of a computer as she learns how to best contribute to her accounting firm's cybersecurity strategies and best practices.


Did you get into accounting because you’re passionate about cybersecurity? I’m guessing your response is a resounding “umm, no” to that question. But the reality is that protecting sensitive client data is no longer a responsibility solely sitting on the shoulders of IT. With 61% of security threats starting with email and cyberattacks against accounting firms on the rise, every employee needs to be ready to play defense. The good news? You don’t need to be a tech genius or IT professional to help prevent cyberattacks. Let’s explore some practical cybersecurity strategies and best practices—think of it as your cybersecurity game plan—that every member of the team can put into practice to help keep your firm (and your peace of mind) secure. Because we all know that the best offense is a good defense.

Strong passwords: Your first line of defense 

A text image that lists the six ways accounting firm staff can contribute to their firm’s cybersecurity defense.

Creating strong, unique passwords for every application or account might sound like a hassle, but it’s a key defensive strategy against cybercriminals. Think of passwords as different plays in your cybersecurity playbook. You wouldn’t run the same play for every situation, right? Luckily, there are tools to help. Use a password manager like 1Password, Dashlane or Keeper to keep track of complex passwords. Another tip? Always enable multifactor authentication (MFA). It’s like having a backup defender double-checking every play before it runs, ensuring that even if someone knows what’s in your playbook, they still can’t get through without approval from the safety team.

Email security: Staying alert in your inbox 

A text image that lists three signs of a phishing email.

Phishing emails are getting craftier by the day. Gone are the obvious scams with terrible grammar and promises of Nigerian princes. Today’s threats can look surprisingly legitimate, often appearing to come from colleagues or clients. And sometimes, they can maneuver past your spam folder. Always verify unexpected requests through a different communication channel, especially when they involve sensitive data or financial transactions. When in doubt, pick up the phone. It’s better to spend an extra minute to verify a request than explain to a client why their data was compromised. If your firm isn’t already offering security awareness training, be the champion that makes that happen. Just like studying game film helps players spot patterns, learning to recognize phishing attempts gets easier with practice and attention to detail. 

Data protection: Handling sensitive information 

A smiling man talks on an office phone while looking at his computer.
A tax professional guards client data like a linebacker protects the ball, because in the game of cybersecurity, a strong defense is your best offense.

You wouldn’t leave client tax returns sitting on your desk in plain view for anyone and everyone, would you? Well, you need to be equally careful with digital data. Consider your client data as the game ball 🏈. You wouldn’t leave it unprotected on the field. Encryption tools are like your defensive line, keeping sensitive information secure as it moves between players. Use encryption tools when sharing sensitive information, promote and train clients on using secure portals for exchanging documents and regularly back up important files. Avoid using personal email or free cloud services for work-related tasks. They might be convenient, but using them is like leaving your front door unlocked.

Safe browsing: Working securely from anywhere 

A text image that asks, "Working remotely?" with a red x by "Public Wi-Fi" and a green checkmark by "VPN."

When working remotely, avoid public Wi-Fi. Always use a VPN when accessing work resources outside the office. This extra layer of security helps protect sensitive data when you’re working from home, at a coffee shop or anywhere else outside the office. 

Device security: Keeping systems up to date 

A man sits in the back of a car, working hard (and securely) on his laptop while speaking on his phone.
An employee hits “update now” instead of “remind me later” on their screen, because those pesky software updates are actually your first line of defense against cybercrime.

Do you ever find those software update notifications annoying and inconvenient? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Well, they’re actually really important. Regular updates and software patches address security vulnerabilities that cybercriminals love to exploit. Take that timeout to reset and address your cybersecurity game plan. Keep your antivirus software current, and always lock your devices when stepping away…even if you’re “just going to grab a coffee.” It doesn’t take long for someone to take advantage when you’re out of position so that they can access an unlocked computer.

Incident reporting: When to raise the alarm 

An accountant points to a cybersecurity issue on a colleague's laptop screen.
A vigilant employee points out suspicious pop-ups on their screen, because when it comes to cybersecurity, spotting red flags early keeps your data safe.

Know how to recognize and report potential security incidents. Unusual system behavior, unexpected pop-ups or strange email activity could be signs of a breach. Don’t wait to report concerns. When it comes to cybersecurity, time is truly money (and data).

Building a stronger defense together 

A text image that reads: When it comes to cybersecurity, we’re only as strong as our weakest link…and nobody wants to be that link.

Cybersecurity isn’t about being perfect; it’s about staying in the game and being vigilant (dare we say, relentless). Every small action you take helps build a stronger defense for your firm. By following these best practices and staying informed about emerging threats, you’re not just protecting data; you’re protecting your firm’s reputation and your clients’ trust. 

Want to be a cybersecurity superstar? Share these tips with your colleagues and make security awareness part of your daily routine. Put in the time to practice the little things; they’re essential to keeping you at the top of your game. After all, when it comes to cybersecurity, we’re only as strong as our weakest link…and nobody wants to be that link.

If you’re ready to take your cybersecurity game to the next level, schedule some time to talk to one of our technology experts. 

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