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Get ready to be inspired and empowered by our Rightworks Academy coaches and some of the accounting profession’s most influential thought leaders. They will provide you with timely and actionable advice in our quarterly Thought Leader newsletter.

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Why would anyone want to work in accounting? Like so many other professions and industries today, accounting is experiencing its fair share of staffing challenges—and has been for some time….

From The Great Exhaustion to The Great Firm Take-Back There’s no way to sugarcoat this: The last couple of years have been brutal for accounting firms—both staff and leaders. It…

Back to the basics, forward to the future It’s busier than ever here at Rightworks. But coming off of back-to-back extended tax seasons, we don’t have to tell you about…

Are your firm’s warning lights blinking? You’re driving to work in heavy a.m. rush-hour traffic. Your “Check Engine” light starts flashing. What’s your go-to response? Scenario A: You immediately pull…

The hardest words (with apologies to Elton John) “Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word.” While this is one of Elton John’s most popular songs, I’d have to challenge him…

Half a life Sometimes, a statistic burrows into your brain and won’t let go. Case in point: I recently read that Americans will spend 30 percent of their lives working….

Great teams do the basics really well For the past 12 years, we’ve been thinking and rethinking, working with and talking to accounting firms day in and day out. Our…

Watching for the letters, seeing the seams I’ve always liked playing tennis. As a teenager I was a pretty solid player, so as an adult who’s worked hard to have…

Are you an inspiring leader? You might be surprised. Which of the following is an example of an inspiring leader? The CEO of a successful multinational corporation. A stay-at-home mother…