
firm administration

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In part 4 of our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) webinar series, The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Firm Administration and Management, learn how to improve administrative processes and how to turn these process improvements into client advisory services.

Register for part 3 of our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) webinar series, The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Assurance and Accounting, to learn how to apply modern solutions to decades-old assurance processes in today’s hybrid-remote culture.

In part 2 of our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) webinar series, The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Tax, learn how to make each tax process at your firm more efficient.

Register for part 1 of our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) webinar series, The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Essentials, to learn how to improve outdated accounting processes with LSS principles.

It may be tempting to pump the brakes and coast through to extension season…but that won’t make next busy season any easier. Take advantage of this short reprieve with our 4-part Lean Six Sigma webinar series.